Internationalization in Junior Enterprise
For your stakeholders, you can increase your value proposition and credibility. To the members, they can work in English, in projects out of their comfort zone, for international clients and, therefore, be better prepared for the job market.
And last but certainly not least, the JE celebrates the JE Network in what it truly is, an international phenomenon.
This aspect links to our first idea. Taking advantage of the Network is the first step to start this process. As a JE Europe andJE Global member, you, at JC Network have several events and initiatives occurring throughout the year in person andonline where you can mark presence. Not only for the personal experience of an international event but also forexchanging practices, meeting people, making contacts, and always leaving your JE mark in the event.
There are several ways to „leave this mark,“ either providing a memorable workshop or just having several memberswearing the JE merchandising. It is up to you to choose the positioning you want to have as a JE in the event.
Regarding the projects, in order to assess if your JE is ready to start doing an international project, ensure that you canaccess data on the countries you need. Make efforts to partner with digital libraries, research platforms, studies, andstatistical centers and embassies.
Be ready to always work in English from the negotiation to the output delivery. In your team, people must be comfortablewith it.
Be financially and fiscally ready. Certify that you can receive the payment from a client of that country and issue invoiceswithout any problem. Check VAT advantage., talk to your Bank and accountant for help.
There are unlimited ways for you to design and target your international client’s acquisition strategy. However, use somecriteria to prioritize the countries where you should focus, such as the ones with similar culture, laws according to yours,local